10 Christian Riddles by Ijaz Ahmad - Refuted

10 Christian Riddles by Ijaz Ahmad - Refuted
-By Francis

One of my friends shared an article (http://callingchristians.com/2013/11/05/10-christian-riddles/) and asked me to share my thoughts. The article gave me a good laugh because the author was/is clueless about the christian worldview.
Here I would like to present my responses to the self proclaimed scholar Mr. Ijaz Ahmed.
Riddles, questions, thoughts, I wonder what the answers to these would be?
Instead of wondering why don't you ask the people who are reading the bible just like Muhammad was commanded to (Quran 10:94). Oh you asked?? Lemme respond.
These aren't meant to be insulting, and we do apologize if they seem to be so, these are just honest inquiries into the Christian faith.
I never knew honest inquiries could be so lame and senseless. Nevertheless, I would respond so the hidden objective of yours to mock Jesus is exposed.
Let's get started....
1. If God is love (1 John 4:8), why are babies sent to burn in hell forever if they're not baptised? How is this 'loving'?
Where do you get this from? Quote the scripture instead of shooting in the air. If you are clueless about the teachings of the bible then you must keep quiet and learn as a honest truth seeker.
By the way, if Allah is love. Show us one ayat which says Allah loves his creation and you. Also, if Allah is love why does he create some human beings or allow them to be born who are destined for Hell (Quran 7:178-179 & Sahih Muslim 33.6436). Again, if Allah is love then why does he allow satan to touch every baby(11. Bukhari - Volume 4, Book 54, Number 506)
2. If Mary is the Mother of God and believers are told to Brides of Christ (Revelation 19:7), is the Mother of God, also his bride?
First of all, your question starts with an assumption of Mary being the mother of God. We don’t believe in such blasphemy nor does the bible teach. Mary is just a medium God chose to accomplish his work. Have you heard of “Figures of Speech”? When the bible tells us that the believers are Christ’s bride, we don’t take that in a literal sense. It has a deep spiritual meaning of God’s intimate love towards his creation and only a loving God can say such things. Jesus in his divine essence is a God of all creation (John 1:3) so logically he is God of Mary too. You seem to have grossly misunderstood the trinitarian position.
3. Is God a sexist for coming in the form of a man? Why not as a woman?
I get two things from your question. 1 – Only Jesus came in the form of Man. So you have admitted Jesus is God! Thank you!. 2 – If you deny Jesus being God then you must show me where and when did God came in the form of man?
Is Allah a sexist for attributing masculine pronouns to himself? Why Allah is always called “HE” not “HER” in the Quran?
4. Is God racist for coming as an Israelite, why not as an African, or Indian?
Thank you once again for proving Jesus is God because it was Jesus himself who came as an israelite. Secondly, why not as African or Indian is a strawman argument. Nevertheless, let me respond. God is just and fulfills his promise given to Abraham. God promised Abraham that he will bless the whole world through his descendants and I am sure you have some clue about the bible which says Jacob was an isrealite and was a descendant of Abraham (Genesis 22:17-18). If Jesus was born as an African or Indian he wouldn’t have fulfilled the promise proving himself to be a false God. Thank you once again for proving Biblical God is Just.
By the way, Is Allah racist for making Islam an Arabian religion? Or Racist for choosing Arabic as a divine language for Quran? Why not sanskrit or english?
5. If humans are literally created in the image of God, is the Christian God a hermaphrodite?
Where do you get this from? Provide scriptural evidence. Genesis 1:24 says, God created man in his image and likeness. Do you take these things literally? Image and likeness talks about the essence of God like Goodness, holiness, love, free will etc. Genesis 1:1-2 proves God is a Spirit. Why don’t you read the bible instead of asking such senseless questions and stand exposed like this?
6. Why does Christ not speak of a punishment for rape, murder or incest? Since the gentiles aren't meant to follow the Mitzvot - they live under grace and not the law, why didn't Christ mention that these things were sins or crimes, or even mention their punishments?
Again a stupid and baseless attempt. Jesus in Matthew 5:27-28 talks about adultery which is considered worse in his sight and Jesus talks about the eternal punishment of rape and adultery in Matthew 5:29 (Includes incest and all form of immoral sexual lust). Also, bible teaches us to practice self control unlike Quran’s teaching of veiling woman huh?. Concerning Murder, here’s the beautiful teaching of Jesus. You are destined to hell even if you call your brother a Fool or Raca Matthew 5:22 for the Murder is an effect of anger that proceeds from your heart. You have no clue about the teachings of the bible. Jesus’s teaching is purely a model of Morality unlike Allah who hastens to fulfill the lustful desires of Muhammad.
By the way, Why was Allah approving Paedophilia (Aisha), Incest (Zainab) and Murder (Loads of ayat I can quote), Cheating wife (Hafsa and Slave Girl) I can go on...
7. Where does God speak of the hypostatic union in the Old Testament or the New Testament?
Why should he speak of? What is your point? (will respond once he clarifies his position)
8. Where did Christ command Christians to believe in the Trinity, Hypostatic Union or Crucifiction in order to be saved?
Jesus teaches trinity in Matthew 28:19 and many more. Hypostatic union – Read the Gospel of John in its entirety. Crucifixion – Are you kidding me? Matthew 16:21-28, John 3:16, John 10:28, Jesus would never contradict himself.
9. If Christ has two wills (human and Godly), how do you determine which act was done with Godly intent and which was done with human?
First of all, whatever Jesus did was all in a Godly intent while he practiced human limitations. Jesus displayed his human limitations but never intended anything in a materialistic manner. I hope you know the difference between intent and limitations.
10. Where does Christ teach that he has two wills?
Actually Christ does have two wills in one person. As he said, not my will but your will be done. Luke 22:42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
11. Answers are welcomed, I'm sure there are some who can give some interesting responses. and God knows best
You have been Answered, I am not sure whether my answers are interesting but certainly it exposes your senseless and baseless arguments. And God knows best.
Conclusion: Jesus didn't preach Islam, didn't preach circumcision, didn't preach about mecca, didn't preach about Allah, didn't preach about Quran, Didn't say anything about Muhammad. Why should Christians even listen to your dawah?

1 comment:

  1. Wow.... Great Respond Brother Francis ....God Bless You...


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