Showing posts with label Frequently Asked Questions - English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frequently Asked Questions - English. Show all posts

Four Common Reasons "Why People Fall Away In Faith"

The ministry of preaching and teaching from the Scriptures as a Pastor, Elder in the Local Church brings us moments of joy & happiness when we hear testimonies of people whose lives have been transformed by the Gospel. However, there are times of sorrow and grief when we hear of people who have fallen back, turned back to their former religion and some have rejected the faith who once had confessed their faith in Christ. In the region of Caesarea Philippi, the people were having different views on Jesus such as John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets. Jesus asked His disciples "Who do you say I am?" (Matthew 16:13-15).

Unless we have made a profession/confession of faith based on the correct understanding of who Jesus is, we will fall away. 

Let’s consider particularly four common misunderstandings that people have about Jesus even though they confess their faith in Jesus. This results in their falling away at a later stage of their life. 

1. Jesus is one of the ways of reaching God or one of the many ways to heaven. 

There are many people in this world who have a desire to go to heaven but they believe in religious plurality. Christianity is their favorite religion and Jesus is their favorite religious leader. Maybe they liked the humbleness or the simplicity or the honesty of Jesus and therefore they wanted to follow Jesus and confessed their faith in Jesus. They had never put their trust in the exclusive claims of Jesus which Jesus mentioned in John 6:48, 8:12, 10:9,11, 11:25, 14:6, 15:1. They don’t trust the teachings of the Apostles who wrote that there is no other name under heaven by which man can be saved (Acts 4:12), there is only one mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5); therefore they fall away. Unless a person’s understanding and confession about Christ is not based on these exclusive claims, then the person’s faith & confession is superficial and he will eventually fall away. 

2. Following Jesus will help us to have a comfortable and good life on earth. 

There is also another group of people who are looking for a comfortable life on earth. They are looking for someone who can give them that comfortable life on this earth. Maybe they are attracted by the healings, signs, wonders, and miracles that Jesus did while on earth. Based on that they assume that if they confess & follow Christ then Jesus would also do such wonders and miracles in their lives and provide them the comfort and materialistic blessings they need. They are worried about life and want Jesus to give them a life free from worries. They fail to observe that Jesus emphasized trusting and depending on Him on a regular basis for the necessities of life instead of worrying (Matthew 6:11, 25-34) therefore they fall away. Even Jesus didn’t lead a luxurious life; rather He came down from heaven and lived in complete obedience, dependence on God the Father in order to fulfill the plan of redemption (Philippians 2:7-8). If a person just wants to put his trust in Jesus to enjoy a life free of worry and doesn’t want to live trusting and depending on Christ on a daily basis, he will eventually fall away. 

3. The good and loving Jesus wouldn’t allow suffering or bad things in my life. 

Then there is this group of people who can’t accept the fact that Christian life includes suffering also. Maybe they think that since Jesus has suffered for us on the cross we do not have to endure or face suffering in this life. They are afraid and hesitant to endure hardships for Christ. They assume that claiming and declaring few scriptures will make them immune from suffering. They neglect the demands of discipleship laid down by Jesus where He makes it clear that we have to take up our cross and follow Him, will be hated for His name, we will be persecuted for His sake (Luke 14:27, Matthew 5:11, John 17:18,20,). They neglect the writings of the Apostles who made it very clear that suffering is a part of our faith which we have to endure and God has a purpose behind these sufferings & trials as mentioned in 1 Peter 1:6-7, 4:1, 5:10, 2 Timothy 3:12, James 1: 2-4, 12, Romans 5:3-5, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. If a person doesn’t want to endure suffering for the sake of Jesus and has a selfish attitude where he wants to be free of suffering and trails in Christian life, he will eventually fall away.

4. Jesus gives us the freedom to do everything, we are no more under the law but we are under grace. 

There is still this group of people who want to follow Christ, but they do not want to be held accountable. They don’t want to be corrected, disciplined, and taught. They live under an assumption that they have been set free by Christ and so they should be allowed to enjoy the freedom without being questioned or being held accountable since they are under grace. Yes, it’s true that we are set free by Christ but they don’t like the fact that now in Christ we have become slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18). They don’t like the fact that being under grace does not mean that we are to live uncontrolled lives just as we want. We are under grace and we are also part of the body of Christ (the Local Church) where we are joined together with fellow believers and being built together (Ephesians 2:19-22). We are supposed to be taught, rebuked, corrected, and trained in righteousness from the Holy Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16-7). In fact, being under grace makes us more responsible towards our walk in Christ. We are supposed to pursue sanctification & holiness in our lives (Romans 12:1, 1 Corinthians 6:19, 2 Corinthians 7:1, Ephesians 5:3, 27, 1 Thessalonian 4:7, 1 Peter 1:15-16) and that can’t happen if we expect the freedom to do whatever we want under the excuse of being under grace. If a person wants absolute freedom, doesn’t have a learning attitude, doesn’t like submission, accountability but wants to follow Christ, he will eventually fall away.

Brothers and Sisters, let’s be reminded that it’s very important and crucial for a person that what he thinks, what he understands, and confesses about Christ. If his confession is based on such superficial understanding about Christ that suits him, benefits him, comfortable for him, easy for him, etc, he will eventually fall away. As we share the Gospel, let’s make it very clear and explain to people that who Jesus is, what are His claims, what are His demands. It’s true that the message of the Cross will be offensive, people will not like & love it. It will be a stumbling block for many, rejected by many but to those whom God has called Christ is the power of God and wisdom of God.


Ps Monish Mitra

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Should we use a printed Bible or a Digital Bible?

There are certain people who think that the printed Bible is Holy and therefore it should only be used in that form. The digital form of Bible when used in phones cannot be called as holy and it is not as effective as the printed Bible. When we use digital Bible in the Church, meetings, personal reading etc we get distracted by notifications, messages etc and therefore using digital Bible is not a correct and proper choice. You can also mark your favorite passages and keep short notes in the printed Bible. 

On the other hand, there are certain people who think that digital Bible is free to download, can be easily shared with others, can be carried anywhere, it can be used anywhere without any problem. Therefore, it’s a better option than the printed Bible which is often bulky in size and it’s not practically possible to carry it everywhere.

These arguments have led people to categorize people as holy & unholy, mature & immature, good & bad etc just on the fact that people use a printed version or a digital version of the Bible.

Here are few thoughts on this issue….

First of all, the printed version Bible what we have today was never in that form from the beginning. It wa​​s first inscribed by God on stone, was kept in the Ark of the Covenant and the Israelites were commanded to put the Word of God in their heart.

Secondly, with the addition of Mosaic Laws, Writings of the Prophets, Psalms, Wisdom Books etc. they were written on skins and papyrus which were then saved as scrolls.

Thirdly, even in the early Church the use of Mosaic Laws, Prophetical writings and later the Epistles and Gospel writings were preserved in form of scrolls. Until 5th century there was no concept of proper canons when the books were canonized.

            The important aspect throughout this time was never about carrying the scriptures in some written format like scrolls, but it was about having the Word of God in the heart. Deut. 4:9, Prov. 6:21, Psalms 119:11. All the scrolls were preserved in sacred places and were used for worship and for references during various occasions.

With time and development of science & technology the printed form of the Word of God has been developed and we have the privilege to use it today. To carry the printed version of the Bible while going to the Church, preaching the Word, using it during various meetings or keeping in the self does not necessarily make a person a follower of the Word of God. At the same time using a digital form doesn't make a person an unbeliever & unholy.

A person can carry the Bible, read the Bible yet may not follow the Bible. A person who uses a digital version cannot be necessarily branded as an unholy & disobedient Christian.

We never thought time will come, we will have online prayer services, worships through digital medium, online teaching, preaching and fellowship. We must remember that the form will change, but our purpose must not change. Each one of must prayerfully, thoughtfully decide how best he can use the available resources whether printed or digital for his own edification and spiritual growth.


Pastor Monish Mitra

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Should I quit my secular Job?

Should I quit my secular job and do full time ministry because secular job is waste of time and un-spiritual.


1. The first mistake some people make is that they tend to link ‘secular job’ as disobedience to God and link ‘doing ministry’ as obedience to God. One of the reasons behind this assumption is maybe because they heard testimonies of people who immediately left their secular jobs and joined ministry after becoming a believer. They argue that people in secular job are wasting time because they are not directly involved in the great commission. This is dangerous because such people leave the ‘secular’ job that God has given them based on a false assumption of obedience. At the same time, they put obedient people in the category of disobedient. It makes every Christian who has a secular job as ‘disobedient’ which is a very unfair statement. In other words, such people have an assumption that if we continue in our secular job after becoming a believer, if we don’t leave that secular job and get involved in mission then it is an act of disobedience. 

Such an argument is invalid because in the New Testament, it is clear that the Apostles did not teach that all Christians should leave their ordinary employment. Apostle Paul gives us a principle in 1 Corinthians 7:20. He says that “Each one should remain in the condition in which he was called”. When we are called to be a Christian, when we are born again there has to be visible radical change in your life, we need to display the fruit of the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, hate sin, overcome sin etc. In the immediate context Apostle Paul says that it is not mandatory for a man to get circumcised if he isn’t circumcised and vice-versa, but he should remain in the same condition in which he was called because these things do not matter in terms of obedience. Therefore, applying the same principle we can conclude that it is not mandatory for someone to leave his job & join ministry because it is not a measure for obedience after becoming a believer. A person does not have to leave his job in order to be a faithful & obedient Christian, according to those principles. However, if someone wants to quit his job after becoming a believer it can be his personal decision and choice. The person should not categorize others who are continuing in their secular jobs as disobedient.

2. The second mistake which some people make is that they tend to think that quitting the secular job and joining a Christian Organization or doing full time ministry is the proof that you are more devoted to Christ and continuing in the secular job is a proof that you are selfish. However, it is absolutely possible that even after being involved in full time ministry or working in a Christian organization a person can be least caring about the people around him. He would not display the fruit of Spirit with fellow believers in the Local Church and people around him. At the same time, it is possible that a person who is employed in a secular job exhibit the fruit of the Spirit and thereby win people to Christ. 

Therefore, we should not assume that leaving the job & joining ministry is the proof of a person’s devotion for Christ.


1. As mentioned in the beginning, there are true testimonies where God places a burning desire, a burden and a restlessness in the heart of people for His mission. They quit their jobs, move to a new location, become missionaries and win people for the Kingdom of God. That burning desire, burden and restlessness in the heart etc are one of the many means/ways/parts by which God works in the lives of some people to lead them to quit their jobs, change their location and move in to a new place in order to do ministry. At the same time, we should remember that it is not a mandatory system by which God has to work in everyone’s life and those who didn’t experience such things cannot be used by God. Having a burning desire, burden and restlessness in the heart etc can definitely be ways by which God moves people but even without these people are still used by God as they stay in their respective vocations &  jobs even after becoming a believer.

2. Remember that isolation is not a necessary sign of spirituality. Most people try to figure out things by themselves regarding ministry, mission etc and believe in keeping things between themselves and God. At the end they get confused, irritated, develop bitterness towards other fellow believers and times towards God also. What is actually needed is that we need to be more connected in a fellowship of believers, where other believers can discern our gifts, talents, passion, maturity and in that way confirm God’s call, will, plan and desire in our life. That’s the way it should happen. That’s a healthy way we understand God’s call on our life; as a member of a body of Christ using our gifts in relationship to other people.

Author: Pastor Monish Mitra

Is it necessary to be member of a church to take baptism? Isn't believing in Christ enough?

The challenge we face today is that Church Membership & Baptism has become a mere formality for most people and therefore they miss out the accountability & responsibility related to Church
Membership & Baptism. Christ sees the Church as His bride. Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, that He might present it to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish (Ephesians 5:25-27). As believers we are now part of this Church where we are now given the Spiritual Gifts to serve each other, love each other so that the Church is edified (1 Corinthians 1:7-28, 14:12). This Church is not just a building but it’s referred as God’s Household having being built on the foundations of Apostles & Prophets where Christ is the Corner Stone according to Ephesians 2:19-20.

It is this household, family & gathering of people who have believed in the glorious Gospel and now it is here that they practice accountability & responsibility. This is the Local Church and the role of being part of the Local Church can be found in passages Galatians 6:2, Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 5:19, 1 Peter 4:10. Today people like to practice these virtues outside the Local Church through social service and NGOs and totally neglect practicing these virtues inside the Local Church.

Now when we talk about Baptism, it's never an individual, private & isolated act. It's an outward display of the regeneration & transformation that has taken place in our heart (Romans 6:3-6), but this outward display is done in the midst of people/in the gathering of people especially the Local Church. By doing so this person submits himself to the Church, makes himself accountable to the Church so that he is now nurtured, cared for, guided, encouraged, rebuked, disciplined, chastised in his spiritual walk as he submits himself to the public & individual teaching & preaching from the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

This is hard and so people always look for excuses to live an isolated, unaccountable Christian life
because they can now do whatever they want and get away by quoting 1 John 1:9. For such people,
being under submission, being accountable & being under authority are un-biblical words because for them N.T is all about grace & love.

Therefore, we must understand that Baptism is not just a random act, it’s not an individual act, it’s not a formality, it’s not fulfilling a criteria to become a Christian. It’s a decision we make/take by understanding the significance of the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ and also by understanding the importance to willingly submit to the authority of the Local Church whose head is Christ as well as willingly submitting ourselves to the household of God in order to be equipped for the work of service in the Body of Christ.