
List of Topics for the Seminars

1. Fundamentals of Christianity (Brief Survey of Christian Essentials)
2. Basic Apologetics (Introduction for Beginners)
3. Advanced Apologetics (Crash course - Types of Apologetics & Application)
4. Nature of God (Doctrine of God, Trinity)
5. Christology (Deity, Pre-incarnate State, Birth, Miracles, Humanity, Sinlessness, Atonement, Return)
6. Pneumatology (Study of The Holy Spirit, Gifts)
7. Inspiration and Authenticity of the Bible (How We Got the Bible)
8. Crucifixion & Resurrection (Historical & Medical Investigation)
9. Soteriology & Hamartiology (Study of Sin & Salvation)
10. Theodicy (Study of The Problem of Evil)
11. Ecclesiology (Study of the Nature of Church)
12. Inductive Bible Study (Basics of How to Study The Bible)
13. Conversational Evangelism (One-O-One Evangelism Model)
14. Demonology (Study of Devil/Satan/Lucifer)
15. Angelology (Study of Angelic Creatures, Origin & Characteristics)
16. Baptism (Basic Scripture Based Study, Origin, Controversies)
17. Indology (Overview of Christian Contribution To India)
18. Answering Mother Jerusalem Cult
19. Answering Seventh Day Adventism
20. Answering Jehovah’s Witness
21. Answering William Branhaminism
22. Answering Oneness Pentecostals (Unitarians)
23. Answering Mormonism
24. Worldviews: Comparative Study (Islam, Hinduism)
25. Handling Islamic objections (Dealing with Islam’s polemic attack on Christianity)
26. Handling Hinduism Objections (Dealing with Hinduism's polemic attack on Christianity)
27. Open Forums (Q&A, Dialogues, Unplugged Biblical Discussions)
28. Youth Meetings (For helping young people to handle objections related to love, sex, marriage).
29. Convention/Open Air Meetings
30. Residential Camps, Discipleship Workshops etc.

If any of the above topic seems compelling and you wish to organize a seminar for your church/institutions/group. You can invite us for a one day or multiple days event and we would love to come and train/equip the church/groups.

Topics Highlighted in "Red Color" requires a minimum of 2 months advance invitation for the speaker's preparation.

For booking an Event: | Email:

Event Registration Link - Click Here