(Response to a book "Thus Spake Prophet Muhammad")
Dear friends,
Whether we acknowledge it or not our era has been scarred by Islamic violence. News about gory decapitations, cold blooded murders, rapes, sex slavery, suicide bombings, venomous diatribes and bestial cruelty, propelled by unadulterated Islam, has become commonplace. Futile attempts have been made to assure us that Islam and terrorism are mutually exclusive. Not long ago, a news channel, in order to “educate” people on how “peaceful” Islam is, invited a few “experts” to speak on the topic. One of those “experts” happened to be the internationally renowned savant; the highly prolific polymath; the greatest Quranic scholar and the most competent authority on Islamic matters –
Mr Karan Johar. In the grandeur of his “sagacity” and opulence of his “knowledge”, this ostentatious “sage” (not from Bodhgaya but from Bombay), having attained “enlightenment” (not under the canopy of a Bodhi tree rather under that of the Bollywood tree), exuded pearls of “wisdom” (not through Pali but through English) to the thunderous ovation of his very uninformed, unsuspecting and captive audience. His “sagacious” counsel may be encapsulated in the following
Four Noble Truths:
Noble Truth 1: Islam excludes terrorism.
Noble Truth 2: Instead of citing corroborative evidence merely reiterating Noble Truth 1 (like a ranting child) actually proves that Islam excludes terrorism despite insurmountable evidence to the contrary.
Noble Truth 3: Anyone who dissents with Noble Truth 1, irrespective of how unbiased his stance is, how irrefutable his evidences are, how unassailable his arguments are, how objective his verdict is and how logically consistent his conclusions are, is invariably a despicably parochial, hate mongering, Islamophobic bigot.
Noble Truth 4: Always remember Noble Truth 1.
A reason why most of us fall prey to this kind of idiocy is because we neither ratiocinate nor peruse. We are so credulous that we render credibility to opinions not because they are tenable rather that they are rife. Most of us, thus, are guilty of the logical fallacy – argumentum ad populum.
As an expression of my social responsibility, some time ago, I undertook the task of teaching math and English, freely, to the children of the BPL segment. On an instance, they requested me to teach them social studies. As coincidence would have it, the chapter they asked me to teach was on Islam and Muhammad. Abhorred by the falsehood and the sheer drivel it was fraught with I shook my head in disbelief and mulled on the words of Malcolm Muggeridge (a peripatetic journalist): “We have educated ourselves into imbecility.”
Yet another quarter that touts Muhammad a prophet is the Ramakrishna Mission (RK mission) which received death threats from Islamic terrorists recently. Was Muhammad really a great human being and a holy prophet as textbooks and the likes of the RK mission delude us into believing or do historical facts state otherwise? A well informed society, in my opinion, is a gargantuan impediment to Islamic terrorism. I therefore intend to lay bare facts and, in so doing, alert the astute, disabuse the innocent who have been bewitched by mendacity, demystify the politically correct mind that has been benighted by caliginous musing and prod people on to call a spade a spade. This is a clarion call to all mankind to stand united against sinister ideologies that threaten human dignity, pervade animosity, strike terror and shed innocent blood.
My epistle, addressed to the RK mission, is appended in this mail. It is my yen that you’d read it in the light of your conscience so you may behold the glorious visage of truth. I meekly request that my words be altered in no way whatsoever when you share my writings with those who would like to examine facts objectively. I suggest that you first read the glossary (Click here), also attached herewith (Click here), for the unhindered comprehension of recondite jargon that some of you might be incognizant of.
Roshan Nisar
P.S. My dear Muslim readers, I don’t have to be schooled on how most of you are preconditioned into reacting against those who divulge the truth about Muhammad and Islam. I received your mails and I’d like you to know that I am not the kind of man who can be intimidated. The Bible says, in Luke 6:45,“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil; for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.” Your missives betray, so lucidly, what exactly your hearts are inundated with. In response to your antagonism, all I’d like to say is that I love you and that I hope you’d be emancipated from the thraldom of your satanic ideology that benumbs your intellects, infuses rancour into your hearts and spews venom into your souls. I shall harbour no animus against you even in the very likely event that one of you succeeds in slitting my throat. I’d rather be despised for advocating verity than be cheered for peddling politically correct twaddle and pluralistic prattle. I’d rather die standing than live grovelling. The ONLY way you can silence me is by proving my stance fallacious through logically coherent arguments that are both bolstered by historical facts and undergirded by evidence from Islamic Scripture. Until you achieve that pipe dream I shall continue to be faithful to knowledge and bend my knee to truth.
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